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 Legend of Mana RP

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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptyWed Oct 15, 2008 2:15 am

The world is quiet. Not a single man or beast is left on the planet's surface. Gaping holes are left all over, like deep wounds. A tornado kicks up on one of the empty plains, picking up a mailbox left abandoned there. The tornado continues for a while, eventually dying off and leaving the mailbox to drop through the sky. It lands into one of the giant holes and creates a blinding flash as the mailbox disappears and land fills the hole. A cottage pops up out of it, a large tree hanging over it, a few buildings around it pop up as well.

During the long time the land had been changed into an artifact the people that were on this piece of land had fallen asleep where ever they were when the land was torn apart. It was now morning, even the birds that had been there had woken and began chirping. In the barn there was a fidgeting figure lying on some of the hay. She sat up rubbing her eyes, "Alright! It's a good day for adventure!" She shouted excitedly, hopping off the hay and standing up, brushing the hay off the back of her dress and stepping out into the morning sun greeting the cottage for the first time in a long while.
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptyWed Oct 15, 2008 8:47 pm

Kamryn's eyebrow twitched as she heard birds chirping. She was having such a nice dream too, she was back with Michelle and in the middle of another bottle. Those days were gone now though, as sleep left her 18 inch body. She finally sat up and streached, greeting the morning rays through the leaves of the tree she had slept in. She turned to her bag, changing herself, and diaper, and storing the one she had.

She flew out of the tree, bag over one shoulder, her other hand around her pacifier necklace that seemed to direct her to a house.
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptyThu Oct 16, 2008 3:04 pm

In the middle of a small brush of forest nearby there was the sounds of a person fighting.

"HRRA!" He swung an abnormally large sword (think clouds buster sword kinda) Stopped his blade just half an inch before it struck the tree, he tossed it into the air and jumped up and grabbed the handle with his other hand, wielding the blade as it seemed almost weightless in his possession and he brought it down, once more, stopping it dead before hitting it's target, which this time was a rabbite. "Huh?" He looked at the thing. "If you value your life I suggest you not start any trouble." His eyes in shadow glared menacingly as the rabbite shook and fled.

Moments after it left and fell back onto his rear, laughing out loud. "Oooh those little pesky rabbites." he chuckled as if someone just told him a joke and he stood up. He had a strap around his torso with two loose straps hanging off the back as he put his sword into it and it was held firmly in place by several hooks and had some straps around the ends as he grabbed one of the loose straps that hung off the sling by his left shoulder, he tugged it and the sword straps tightened, firmly locking it into place.

Afterwards he sat down and pulled a little sack from under his cloak and opened it, pulling out some fruit and enjoying some lunch.
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptyThu Oct 16, 2008 4:01 pm

The sun poured in through the glass of Samuel's cottage, illuminating the dirty and disorganized bedroom. Samuel was sprawled out in every direction on the bed but slowly rose to greet the day with a moan and a headache. It felt like he'd been asleep forever. He got his usual belongings, a wallet, his dark cloak, two daggers and his backpack, and set off for the town.

"Hmmmm, who haven't I stolen from in a while?" He thought to himself. A loud growl from his stomach answered the question for him as he decided to head off towards towards the old farmhouse. Word had been that is was recently restored, so why not "check out the place"? He trotted off towards whatever excitement awaited him.
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptyThu Oct 16, 2008 11:18 pm

Sera opened his eyes and looked at the clock. He had only slept for a few hours, though it felt like a eternity. The night sky was still gleaming brightly with stars, as he glanced out the window. He sighed a bit, as he set his book aside and stretched in the rocking chair.

Standing up, the book fell from his hands as he felt a shock go through his body. It was something he hasn't thought about in years... or felt in many years. The man stood up and went off to a cabinet, of which he dug through, pulling out an item he found at work one day. 'My mask' Sera gasped, as he flipped it over and placed it on his face. The cool sensation of the mask pressing against his bare skin made him shiver.

It felt exactly as it did when he first joined the gang... though he no longer associated with them when he 'announced' his departure. The wanting for that excitement was like a heavy rock in his stomach. He finally grinned once he remembered that he had an errand to do for the weaponsmith in return for either money or the weapon. That would surely bring him some kind of excitement.

'Should I adorn the mask or leave it?' Sera pondered, though he was already halfway with tying it behind his head.
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptyThu Oct 16, 2008 11:31 pm

Shuri had been walking right towards Samuel, she would have to walk the path to his house before she could get on the path to town. Her eyes widened seeing the cloaked figure coming towards her, she quickly ducked behind a tree and carefully peeked her head out to look at the figure. It was unfortunate timing for her to look as the sun ascended enough to shine on her core. (The gem on her chest) She looked down at it quickly putting a paw down to cover the gem, "Crap!" She quietly muttered as she pulled her head back behind the tree, but it was too little too late, Samuel would have already seen the shining blue light that came from her core. "Of all the times for it to shine..." She grumbled, putting her right paw on the handle of her katana and her left paw holding the sheath, she quietly waited behind the tree nervously, listening closely to the cloaked figure's foot steps.
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptyFri Oct 17, 2008 12:29 am

Sam was walking down the old dirt trail, paws idly in his cloak with his tail whipping lazily behind him. He caught a glimpse of light, a beautiful rich blue color, by a small grove a trees. "What the blazes?" he thought as he wandered toward the source of the light.
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptyFri Oct 17, 2008 12:55 am

Jo stretched back and leaned against the tree, staring up, the sun shining in his eyes. "hmmm...Pretty nice out for once." He got himself comfortable and looked down, shading his eyes and closing them, ready to take a light nap.
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptySat Oct 18, 2008 1:35 am

On Kamryn's way of following the resonance, she sees a glittering blue object for a few seconds, just enough to change her focus. She flew towards the light when it suddenly disappeared. "That's so weird...wonder if I can get the shiney thingy back..." Kamryn thought to herself as she flew towards the tree. When she was getting fairly close she saw a girl holding something, was it a toy? And it looked like she was going to give it to the boy that was coming.

Flying in closer, behind the girl, Kamryn sits on her shoulder. "Hello!" She giggles, "Did you see a little light somewhere, I'm trying to find it because I think it's trying to play hide and go seek."
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptySat Oct 18, 2008 3:15 am

Sera slipped a small dagger inside his shirt, before attaching another to his right side. The daggers weren't actually going to be used, as he knew the weaponsmith's contact would pay with no problem. He smiled, as he smoothed out the skirt and let the thought of such easy payment cross his mind once more. Once he made some final adjustments to the mask and his hair, Sera headed out the door and down the road that lead to the outskirts of town.

The sound of nature filled his ears as trekked through the muddy path. The girl that owned the weaponsmith lived just outside of town, so he knew he was near. Also, from what other information he gathered, the house he was looking for should've been nearby, yet he saw nothing but an old shack. That surely couldn't be it. His eyes focused on it before he noticed some movement inside the dirty old thing.

"Three?" Sera asked himself, reaching for a dagger. "Who's house is this?" Before he could react to moving forward, he heard a few rustles come from behind him.
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptySat Oct 18, 2008 3:42 am

Shuri nervously waited behind the tree, closely listening to each footstep as they got closer and closer to her. All she could hear were the footsteps and her breathing which seemed to become much heavier after she realized he was actively coming towards her. She had to think of something to do, the man might be a thief that would be more than happy to take her core as a piece of jewelry.

She had finally gained the confidence to take action and was about to come out from behind the tree when she noticed the fairy landing on her shoulder, her eyes widened seeing it, "S.Shhh!" She said, holding her index finger up to her mouth, "This isn't the time!" She said in a whisper although her tone of voice made it obvious she wanted to shout it, she decided to try and ignore the fairy, as they were not known to attack people outside of their territories.

Shuri poked her head out from behind the tree to take a better look at the man walking towards her, "Don't come any closer!" She shouted out, knowing that stealth wasn't going to help her any more, "Are you a thief?!" She called out, though it seemed like a silly question to ask as someone wanting to rob her would lie to lull her into a false sense of security. As she stuck her head out from behind the tree the sun hit her core again and made it shine.
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptySat Oct 18, 2008 1:14 pm

The lady seemed pretty mad, but nice enough not to push her away. Kamryn just nodded an 'okay' and stayed on the lady's shoulder. Until she saw the light again, when she slipped down to try to catch. When she found it was some blue rock she knocked on it a couple of times and tried to grab the part the was glinting at the time, just be frustrated with a hand full of nothing.
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptySat Oct 18, 2008 2:59 pm

Sam stops dead in his tracks, looking at the katana that the girl had her hands feverishly clamped over. "Woah!" he said, raising both hands into the air. "Calm down miss, I'm not here to take your... umm... gem. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I've seen you around here. Could you grant me the dignity of your-" He stopped as he saw the fey. "GAH! What's that on your chest!?"
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptySat Oct 18, 2008 3:43 pm

The stranger before falling asleep, unstrapped his sword and put it against a tree, knowing no one would take it anyways, because there was a reason for that, which made him laugh as he leaned back against the tree and smiled as he started to doze off again, his sword shining rather brightly in the sunlight.
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptySat Oct 18, 2008 9:20 pm

There it was again, more rustling. It was a mere distraction really and if he kept focusing on it, he would never get his payment nor this silly quest completed. Sera listened for any odd sounds, before he reached in and removed the other one that held onto his side. With a sigh, he trekked to the house and leaned against the outter wall next to the door.

"Okay..." He said to himself, trying to somehow psyche himself up for this. Reaching out, he knocked on the door a few times before calling out in a shaky voice. "I-I'm here on behalf of Martie the Weaponsmith. I'm here to collect payment."
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptySun Oct 19, 2008 1:35 am

Shuri had relaxed a little seeing the figure throw his hands up and loosened her grip on the katana.

"Could you grant me the dignity of your-" He stopped as he saw the fey. "GAH! What's that on your chest!?"

Shuri blinked and looked down, her eyes widening and an absolute look of horror taking over her face seeing the fey so close to her core. As the little faerie harmlessly knocked on her core she looked completely terrified and screamed, she became quiet again seeing her childishly reaching for the shine on the gem and carefully removed her hands before pulling her off of it. She had immediately assumed the faerie to be a child from her clothing and her behavior, "Don't touch my core, if anything were to happen to it I would die." She said, it was obvious the faerie had worried her, "Where's your mommy?" She asked, thinking it was some energetic young girl that had gotten away from her mother in a burst of excitement.
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptySun Oct 19, 2008 9:57 pm

Kamryn curlled herself up putting her hands on her head acting as if they were going to deflect Shuri's harsh tone. She didn't think she had done anything wrong but now she was getting yelled at.

Instead of answering the very complicated question she started to quietly sob.
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptyMon Oct 20, 2008 1:33 am

Samuel approached both the girl and the fey, not knowing how he had gotten into this mess and not knowing why he hadn't run away yet. He pulled out a small brightly colored piece of candy and offered it to the fey. "There there," he said, offering the candy to the small girl, "She didn't mean any harm, she was just scared. Are you alright?" Samuel tried the best he could to be comforting, though he had practically no experience with kids, other than the one time he had to steal back some money he had lost to a group of children pick-pockets.
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptyMon Oct 20, 2008 5:18 pm

He was about to doze off again when he heard growling and opened his eyes. "Hm?" He looked down at a rabbite sitting on his lap and he just narrowed his eyes in an annoyed manner. "Shoo before I grab my sword." It was then that he noticed he was SURROUNDED by rabbites. "Well...I didn't see THIS coming..." In a few minutes he had rabbites hanging off of him by their teeth running in circles. "AAAHGETEMOFFGETEMOFFGETEMOFFGETEMOFFGETEMOFF!!!" he screamed before finally grabbing his sword and spinning around in circles, using the immense weight of his blade to add to the momentum, sending all the rabbites flying in different directions before finally stopping, stumbling a bit from dizziness.
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptyTue Oct 21, 2008 6:38 am

Finally, after what seemed an eternity to him, the door finally opened. It wasn't the person he had expected, but Sera lowered his head in respect anyway. He kept his eyes on the man that had opened it and a firm grip on the daggers behind his bag. With a sigh of relief to see the man's hands were empty, Sera straightened up and smiled.

"Oh, hello!" He said rather cheerfully, getting a strange look from the burly man that stood before him. "I was sent out here to collect payment for a certain weapon or to collect the weapon itself, if there is no payment. Since this is the only living house out here, I assume this is the place. If this is it, is she here?"

The man just smiled, before nodding his head and calling for someone to come to the door. Sera stood there and waited patiently, as three people came to the door, wearing the same creepy smile as him. He tilted his head in confusion, until he saw what dangled on the man's side. It was a mask...

"Oh man..."
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptyTue Oct 21, 2008 1:16 pm

Shuri frowned at the little girl, wondering how a fairie could've ended up so far away from home. She looked up as Samuel came over and tried to calm the faerie in the palms of her paws. She smiled, seeing now how friendly the man could be, "I'm sorry about that just now, I was afraid someone would be mad I was on their land or that you were a thief that wanted to steal my core or who knows what." She looked back at the crying girl in her paws, "Don't cry, I'm Shuri, what's your name?"
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptyTue Oct 21, 2008 6:51 pm

After wiping her eyes she accepted the candy but just held it. "I'm Kamryn." The faerie told them. "I wasn't gonna steal your thingy, I just wanted to grab that light." She said, not knowing it couldn't be caught. She did start to relax though in Shuri's paws. She felt her pacifier tug though, she turned her head to look at where she felt it drawing her. " there a house near here?"
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptyWed Oct 22, 2008 1:02 am

Sam decided to do what he did best: lie. He couldn't risk having people find out where he lived, be they friend or foe. "I actually just blew in from Aenea, looking to get away from the crowds and pollution. Any chance there's an inn near here?"

"I'll ditch 'em come nightfall," he thought to himself. Heaven knows he didn't want to waste time helping out little pixies when there were rich noblemen practically begging to get robbed.

He turned his eyes once more to the young lady with the katana and noticed how exotic and beautiful she looked. He had never seen such a hybrid of tiger and human before, and the long blue hair that matched her glistening gem. "Oh, pardon me, the name is Guile," he said while bowing before the two.
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptyWed Oct 22, 2008 6:07 pm

After finally regaining composure he looked around and said loudly. "Screw this." He started to walk off, once more strapping the sword to his back and looking around for anything to do. Still being a bit dizzy he stumbled a few times and bumped into some trees. "Ow..."
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Legend of Mana RP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP EmptyWed Oct 22, 2008 6:37 pm

This could either have been a ruse in order to get him to come and they payed the Weaponsmith off or it was some intricate plan that they all had come up with. Sera thought on that for a moment, before nodding his head, knowing with such idiots, it was the first one. 'All weaponsmiths are the same.' He thought before crouching low and getting ready to yell. From his experience in fighting, yelling could either stun your opponent or do absolutely nothing.

"Ahhhhhh!" He screamed, before jumping backwards and getting ready to fight. His mask loosening up in the back and sliding down a bit.

"'ey, we be lookin' fer the wrong one," The bald brute in the front said with something that resembled a grin. "Dis lil' gal isn't the one we be lookin' fer."

"You brute, this is the gal we're looking for... er guy," One said, as he stepped forward. Unlike the other two brutes, this guy wore his mask proudly on his face. "Let's kill him and protect the bounty. Don't worry Madame, we got this guy taken care of.

"Girl?" Sera said to himself, while adjusting his daggers and mask a bit. "C'mon, is it the hair? I swear it's the hair."

Last edited by Amaya on Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Legend of Mana RP   Legend of Mana RP Empty

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