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 Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members

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Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members Empty
PostSubject: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyFri Aug 29, 2008 11:42 am

Everything was going great, you got to be on a cruise ship, it was going to be a long enjoyable cruise through the Pacific stopping in Japan and Hawaii. Unfortunately, the weather started to take a turn for the worst, rain was flooding down on the ship, lightning roared through the night and waves beat against the ship. The waves toppled the ship over and you were knocked into the water. You would wake up the next morning on the beach of a deserted island with the taste of salt water and sand in your mouth.

1. I'm sure some of you have guessed what the cargo on the plane was but I decide when and what washes up, mmkay?
2. Since the focus here is survival we can't have a bunch of five year olds who need to be attented to like babies. Please no one younger than 13 years old.
3. Please be reasonable with how useful you are, I don't want to see a TV and a Nintendo Wii made out of coconuts.
4. Your characters can happen but it should be taken to private messages or IMs before it gets serious.

Stuff's gonna wash up from the ship, so there'll be plenty of diapers =P If you want anything else to wash up, it's probably fine and if it's not I'll PM you afterwards and ask you not to have it wash up. No big deal. Same thing if your character might have magic powers, if it's not okay, I'll ask ya about it.

Character Skeleton:
[b]Bio (Explain how you ended up on the ship):[/b]

Last edited by Shuri on Mon Nov 10, 2008 6:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyFri Aug 29, 2008 11:51 am

Name: Shurizen Venra "Shuri"
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Shuri has short blue hair and wears a loose gray t-shirt and shorts. He's human except for his white tiger ears, paws, feet and tail. He's 5 feet and 10 inches tall and weighs 150 lbs.
Biography: Shuri is a normal high school student and after hours of begging and asking to go on the cruise because of his grades he was finally able to go by himself.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyFri Aug 29, 2008 12:11 pm

This is edited for the thread, Stalker is normally much different.

Name: Corpse, Sierra - Stalker
Age: 17
Species: Mainly Human/ Slight Siberian White Tiger (Her character is normally a human)
Height: 165 cm / 5'6"
Weight: 52.16 kg / 115 lbs

Defining features: Dyed dark blue hair, that reaches the lower back, kept in a ponytail tied fashion. Her eyes are a dark grey and her body is pale, almost albino. Very fine white hairs cover her body and a few black ones show slight stripes to the keen eye. Small build.

Fashion garb: Normally wears light colored jackets to cover her body. Baggy blue jeans are worn for comfort over the other possible choices in wardrobe. Brown lace up boots are always worn for the durability.

Personality: Very serious and doesn't talk much, but will if anyone is able to talk about something that either concerns her or interests her. A calm collective manner leaves her able to think things through when situations get heated, but she does tend to overthink things, which shows to be her weakness.

Bio: Sierra is the only child of the infamous Dr. Corpse (First name unknown). Her mother died when she was three and her father couldn't get over the grief, as he began to obsess over bringing her back through the knowledge that can be acquired. This began the era in which her father would disappear into the cellar and wouldn't come out for days. The inhumane and disgusting experiments remained oblivious to Sierra, as he kept most of it a secret from the world. She lived under his roof until the age of fourteen, from there she ran away and eventually joined a small time criminal gang. The gang was short-lived and she never really gained much of it, except the knowledge and joy for guns. A little knowledge of guns and a little criminal work led to her craving for money and the danger with the work.

With a new opening on a luxury liner opened up, she couldn't help herself, but sneak aboard and try her hand at such people. The rest is history. =3

Does this work? I thought having an albino on an island was a terrific idea! Imagine the possibilities... then Shuri pointed out something!

Day one: I write in this because we have already lost a member of our survival group because she was albino. Who the fuck goes on a cruise ship that is albino? That is like going to a fish place that serves only fish whilst being allergic to fish. We didn't bother burying her, because we found some pot in her jacket... Wait, she was pretty cool after all.

Last edited by Amaya on Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyFri Aug 29, 2008 12:30 pm

Amaya wrote:
Does this work? I thought having an albino on an island was a terrific idea! Imagine the possibilities...

Day one: I write in this because we have already lost a member of our survival group because she was albino. Who the fuck goes on a cruise ship that is albino? That is like going to a fish place that serves only fish whilst being allergic to fish. We didn't bother burying her, because we found some pot in her jacket... Wait, she was pretty cool after all.
Uh... wouldn't lying on the beach unconscious kill you then? I'm not sure that would work too well, you'd be doing all your work at night and your character would be left out of most of the rping.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyFri Aug 29, 2008 12:48 pm

Which is why clothing comes in handy! She wears hooded clothing that tends to cover her body, but in the actual sense, she doesn't suffer sun damage and has to roll a twenty of suffer death. It's more light in sense of albino-stuff, like just think really sensitive skin which means a helluva lot of sun burns.... I could edit that out entirely. =3
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PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyFri Aug 29, 2008 1:06 pm

Humm it doesn't seem like a good idea to me but if you feel like doing that, okay. I just think it limits what you can wear if some babyish clothing were to wash up. =P
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PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyFri Aug 29, 2008 1:10 pm

You have a point... and I can think of how to go about doing this. =3 Albino-ness removed.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyFri Aug 29, 2008 2:27 pm

Name:Joey J.R. Gonzales
Appearance:5'9. Slightly tan skin. Blackish brown hair, brown eyes. Wears a black T-shirt with a silver dragon necklace and dark blue Jeans.
Bio (Explain how you ended up on the ship):Was drinking a bottle of his favorite drink, Crush lime, when under the bottle cap, it said that he won an all expenses paid trip on a cruise.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptySat Aug 30, 2008 7:36 pm

Name: Kamryn Elin
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Appearance: A slim build, and average height, she has red hair and green eyes. She was wearing a yellow sundress, a necklace with a crescent moon, and a bracelet that said 'baby girl' on it.
Bio: She went on the cruise with her mom, she had gotten onto the A/B honor roll last year and this was her reward. Her mother also needed a vacation and wasn't going to let her 13 year old go alone, and saw this as a good way to bond with her...and now she's dead.
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Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptySun Aug 31, 2008 4:13 am

Akiva wrote:
...and now she's dead.
The other passengers on the cruise don't have to be dead. D= We coulda just been washed away before Coast Guard could rescue us.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptySun Aug 31, 2008 6:08 am

Appearance: He currently has on a pair of brown jeans, and a red and blacked horizontally stripped shirt. He has green eyes and Black hair that's even all the way around.
Bio (Explain how you ended up on the ship):Connor came onto the cruise ship with his older brother, Kevin, they had planned on getting drunk with a forgery of their parents signature, and Connor had even smuggled some weed past the dogs so they could do that too. Everything would have been great until when Connor was on the Promenade deck, talking to some chicks, the boat jostled, and threw him over board. Then, in the dark nothingness of the sea he remembers eventually having his feet touch the ocean below. He waded, or sort of walked to shore and eventually passed out.
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Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptySun Aug 31, 2008 8:36 am

Name: Sray
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Human, blue eyes, spiky green hair, sun-tanned skin, medium build, slightly above average height, wears a indigo shirt, blue shorts and a brown coat, rarely seen without his sun-glasses on and a crow named Chuff.
Bio: A orphan/drifter who thought traveling on the sea would be a nice change of pace and snuck onto a cruise ship, it became more changing then he thought.
He spent most of his traveling time in the country side, taking the crops from fields for food, it was also where he met Chuff.

Last edited by Sray' on Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptySun Aug 31, 2008 10:58 am

Six people sounds like plenty to start with, I'll go ahead and make the thread.
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Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members Empty
PostSubject: lost in blue   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyWed Sep 03, 2008 12:31 am

Admin - Sorry this section is only for those who can go by the intermediate rules. The beginner section is available, however.
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Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyWed Sep 03, 2008 1:01 am

...Sorry candykit this is an Intermediate roleplay.
Alexander Valentine wrote:
If you are a intermediate level roleplayer, you posts must contain little grammar and spelling mistakes. Also, you should be able to easily post 5 lines and above, every post you make.
Plus, we're kinda full.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyThu Sep 11, 2008 9:02 pm

Joey in the actual rp wrote wrote:
Don't do that in the quotes. Have it outside and launch into some more detail then just sigh.
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Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyMon Sep 22, 2008 11:24 pm

Okay... who's posts were deleted? I think mine was the last one, Shuri had pulled away from the water before Sray hopped in, grabbed a coconut, beat it open and sucked on it while he headed off to look for other sources of food.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyMon Sep 22, 2008 11:39 pm

Mine was purged. Sierra had gone through the task of lumber gathering, before noticing the smoke being made for Joey. She went to investigate and that was about it... The original post had more detail. -.-
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Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyWed Sep 24, 2008 3:03 am

I think those were the only two posts, someone post something.
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Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyFri Sep 26, 2008 9:29 pm

I have a funeral to attend to, I'm going to be gone for a day or more, depending on how it goes out north.

- Edit -

Back, but not in a great mood.

Last edited by Amaya on Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Monday)
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Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyThu Oct 02, 2008 12:03 pm

As this is really the only RP on here and because I am loathe to start a new RP until I learn everyone's personalities first, I thought I'd try and see if you migth let another fur jump in.

Name:Dillan Gratius
Species:Sea Otter Anthro
Height: 6' 2''
Weight: 192 lbs

Defining Characteristics: Dillan has a muscular swimmers build and although his fur is stil its rich brown color, it has begun to gray in some places. He keeps his headfur trimmed short in a crewcut and a tattoo of an anchor graces his right shouder. His piercing blue-grey eyes show intelligence as well as a calm aura of experiance.
Fashion Garb: Currently, Dilan is wearing a two-piece set of blue fatigues and black combat boots. His rank of Chief Petty officer is sewn on his collar and his service tape identifies him as a member of the coast guard. Around his neck is an orange emergency life vest. A black ball cap, embroided with USS Cornealius in yellow, rests on his head.

Personality: He is serious, to the point of coming off rude to others. Not one for nonsense, he strives to be the best at whatever his mission and is loathe to tolerate faiure. Duty and loyalty are his two main values, and while he is willing to trust others, he becomes spiteful if he senses betrayal.
Bio Dillan Gravius was born Dillan McDonnel to two normal human parents in the bay area of California. Always a swimmer, he excelled in the sport in highschool winning state in the 300 and 500 meter freestyle. Upon graduation Dillan joined the coastguard in order to put his strengths to better use. Like in high school, he excelled at his duties and was soon selected to be part of an experimental procedure in combining human and animal DNA. Told this duty was an honor, Dillan voluntarily underwent the procedure and ended up in his current form. Although the program proved to be a success, it was soon shut down due to the strain it placed upon the sailors and their families. Dillan was forced into early retirement by the coast guard, occasionally being called to regular service for rescue details.

Having reached the esteemed rank of Chief, Dillan has become content with his career, and although he misses the family that disinherited him, he has accepted his new role as an anthro. Currently he spends his days fishing and enjoying his pension, but remain ever on alert should his country need him.

Why I ended up Stranded Dillan was once again called to active service. It seems a luxury liner had sunk at sea and the coastguard was in need of his skils in resucing the passengers. He was assigned to the post of Cheif Rescue Swimmer for the Cornealius After searching the ocean, in vain, for many days the ship spotted a life raft beacon in the distance. As they drew nearer a storm arose and fearing loss of ife, the Captain called off all rescue attempts. Dillan, disobeying the Captain's orders, strapped a life vest on and dove into the stormy waves. Upon reaching the raft, he found it empty, the only proof anyone was ever in it was a soggy shirt and one left shoe. Turning around, he began to swim back to the ship, when a wave rose up and a plank of floating debris stuck him hard across the brow. He drifted into unconciousness, held afloat by his vest and his ship left thinking him lost at sea. He floated for a couple days, carried by the ebb and flow of the tide until finaly he washed ashore on a sandy beach. Groggily, he stood ans shook he head, wincing in pain from the large lump still present there. Looking around, he surveyed his new surroundings.

What do ya think? It gives me a reason for coming in late, so can I join please?
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PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyThu Oct 02, 2008 1:44 pm

Lil_uke wrote:
What do ya think? It gives me a reason for coming in late, so can I join please?
Sure, normally I'd say we've got too many people but it's going slow enough that you can join in.
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PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyThu Oct 02, 2008 4:16 pm

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Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyTue Oct 14, 2008 6:13 pm

Okay, my last post about no one showing up at the waterfall, there were several places where I could have perhaps inferred that people returned, but since I had been absent for the whole part where you found, Sray I think, by the fire, I just wrote about how I got lost and wandered back there. So yeah, regroup I guess, ta-da?
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Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members   Lost In Blue rp - Not accepting new members EmptyWed Oct 15, 2008 6:35 am

No, it was Joey...perhaps.
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