Roleplayers of FTT
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Roleplayers of FTT

A place for the roleplayers of FTT to be appreciated for their own form of art, as well as have fun. Also, aspiring roleplayers can learn how to do so.
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 Advanced Roleplaying Guidelines

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Alexander Valentine
Alexander Valentine

Posts : 45
Join date : 2008-07-04
Age : 31
Location : Lost in Boogie Wonderland

Advanced Roleplaying Guidelines Empty
PostSubject: Advanced Roleplaying Guidelines   Advanced Roleplaying Guidelines EmptySat Jul 05, 2008 9:37 pm

Advanced Roleplays are for those who take roleplaying very seriously. Roleplaying is an art, and a second nature. While, you don't have to write a novel per post, every one you make should contribute to the current, or a later plot. Detail should be abundant in your posts, and your characters should be as real as myself.

The roleplays you make should be well thought out, the plot full of twists. Great depth should be put into them. Character sheets shouldn't be lacking in any area. Your story must be adaptable, and be able to incorporate the player's back stories into the plot. The roleplay should move at an even pace, while still being able to catch the interest of the players, and renew that interest throughout.

~Alexander V.
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