Roleplayers of FTT
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Roleplayers of FTT

A place for the roleplayers of FTT to be appreciated for their own form of art, as well as have fun. Also, aspiring roleplayers can learn how to do so.
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 Beginner Guidelines

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Alexander Valentine
Alexander Valentine

Posts : 45
Join date : 2008-07-04
Age : 31
Location : Lost in Boogie Wonderland

Beginner Guidelines Empty
PostSubject: Beginner Guidelines   Beginner Guidelines EmptySat Jul 05, 2008 8:30 pm

Roleplays and Roleplayers who have a grasp on the basic concepts of rp'ing belong here.

This is for people with frequent grammar, spelling, and format mistakes.

For example, if you posts look something along the lines of:

*Walks into the room* Hey! *sits down* this is the section for you.

Also, if you posts are grammatically correct, and have a more professional format, but lack detail. You should post here.

RP's who have a poor format, weak story, background, plot basis, and overall detail should be posted here.

~Alexander V.
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