Roleplayers of FTT
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Roleplayers of FTT

A place for the roleplayers of FTT to be appreciated for their own form of art, as well as have fun. Also, aspiring roleplayers can learn how to do so.
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 The OOC Room

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Alexander Valentine
Alexander Valentine

Posts : 45
Join date : 2008-07-04
Age : 31
Location : Lost in Boogie Wonderland

The OOC Room Empty
PostSubject: The OOC Room   The OOC Room EmptySat Jul 05, 2008 8:22 pm

This is where you hold all the discussion involving the rp's you are in. This is also where you place your rp idea, before finally making it in the appropriate section.

OOC is for: Gathering players, setting up your rp, and discussing it.

This is not for rp'ing, or asking questions on rp'ing.

~Alexander V.
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