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 Survival or The Law

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Alexander Valentine
Alexander Valentine

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Location : Lost in Boogie Wonderland

Survival or The Law Empty
PostSubject: Survival or The Law   Survival or The Law EmptyFri Apr 03, 2009 10:01 pm

Liverpool, 1800

The port town is bustling with activity. After The United States of America was formed after British defeat, thousands of immigrants have traveled there daily to obtain a ticket to “The Promised Land”. The docks are always full of ships used to carry passengers across the Atlantic. Many ships are crammed with more than 300 people, of which many parish during the voyages. With many immigrants came much resentment. The ones who could not obtain a ticket usually stayed in the city, and either tried to find work, or became thieves. The population has grown especially hateful of the Irish, who come by the thousands to escape their country. Bringing more poverty, crime, and Catholicism with them.

Liverpool has become a city of corruption. Everybody has a hand in crime. Noblemen, immigrants, citizens, and everyone in between. The new Police Chief, constable Richard Garving, has a great desire to put this to an end. The last week has seen an unprecedented amount of arrests, scandals foiled, and an increase in constable brutality. Immigrants have even been arrested for crowding the streets, with no ticket or money with them. Every Gentleman has his hands in some form of scandal. Whether it be smuggling, or a more local crime such as bribery. The thieves are being caught by the dozens. Overall, Liverpool is becoming safer.

Will these Gentlemen, criminals, and immigrants be able to set aside their deep hatred and loathing for each other? Or will they instead remain separate, and wage their own wars against the constables? Of this, only time will tell.
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Alexander Valentine
Alexander Valentine

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Survival or The Law Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survival or The Law   Survival or The Law EmptyFri Apr 03, 2009 10:03 pm


Gentlemen/Ladies(Nobles):The upper class of Liverpool. They find themselves to be well above the “filthy” criminals and immigrants of Liverpool. Their crimes usually consist of something secretive. A bribe for someone to look the other way during an illegal transaction. Smuggling illegal goods across the boarder, ad things of the like. They are somewhat willing to work with others of their class, but there is always an air of distrust.

Street Urchins/Criminals: Whether they be orphans trying to get enough food to live off of, immigrants unable to obtain a ticket to America, with few belongings to support themselves, or men and women who have had more than their fair share of bad luck, many people have turned to crime in Liverpool. They hate the upper class, either out of Jealousy, distrust, or anger because of their “High and mighty” attitude. They hate the immigrants because they have no belongings to steal, and just take up space citizens with money could be using. Their crimes usually involve petty theft. They pick pockets, or sometimes get lucky enough to rob a house or docked ship. They are usually independent, unless part of a larger group. They distrust other thieves more than anyone, and are untrusting towards the nobles. They usually avoid the immigrants.

Runners:These people((Usually teenagers)) are usually found in groups, working together. Each member of the group goes to a different part of the city to look for newly arrived immigrants. They show these immigrants to poor-run down boarding houses, putting on a guise of friendship. The houses pay the runners a small fee for their service, and immediately charge the tenants a small amount of rent. Usually the immigrants have little, and quickly spend their money just for the roof over their heads. This is what traps many in the city. Once the Runners have finished collecting the immigrants for the day, they usually return to their group's meeting area and divide the loot evenly. If they work alone, they take their earnings and usually spend it quickly. Few are wise enough to save their money. They show great fondness towards immigrants, but this is because the immigrants are the Runners' main source of income. Under the surface, they barely tolerate them. They dislike the nobles because of how much wealth they possess. They dislike criminals because they gain their money illegally. Running is considered perfectly legal. Or was, until Richard Garving was put in charge.

Immigrants: Probably the worst off of any of the groups. They are poor, have no homes, and are dead or arrested by the time they can find any honest work. Many become thieves, some are able to find work, and fewer still are the ones who get a ticket to America. Most of the immigrants share three things in common. They are Irish, They are Catholic, and they are hated by every native in the city for those very two reasons. Catholics are trusted little in Protestant Britain. The Irish are despised because they are viewed like rats. Poor, dirty, uneducated, and the ones who do find work are seen as taking away jobs from good British citizens. They are not so much against the constables, but trying to survive. Immigrants are very friendly, and helping towards their own kind. They are easily exploited because of their trust towards those that appear to be friends. They are neutral about all other factions, holding nothing against them until harmed by one of them.

Last edited by Alexander Valentine on Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Alexander Valentine
Alexander Valentine

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Location : Lost in Boogie Wonderland

Survival or The Law Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survival or The Law   Survival or The Law EmptyFri Apr 03, 2009 10:03 pm


1.Even though it's hard to do in this rp, no godmodding.

2.I expect literacy. At least 3 lines, nothing less. With at least decent spelling and grammar. It doesn't have to be perfect.

3.You may make no more than two characters.

4.Post your profile in the color you wish to use.

5.I don't have a huge beef with swearing, but keep it from becoming excessive. You'll get a warning if it is.

6.reserve the right to change these at will.
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Alexander Valentine
Alexander Valentine

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Location : Lost in Boogie Wonderland

Survival or The Law Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survival or The Law   Survival or The Law EmptyFri Apr 03, 2009 10:05 pm

Note on Currency

Britain uses the pound/pence(plural for penny) system. One dollar today would be worth 85 pence, or .85 pounds. 4 pounds is the price of a ticket to America. Simple things like bread would be around 3-4 pence. I'm putting this here so money is managed well. An average worker's weekly pay would be from 1-2 pounds, doing simple labor(such as factory work). For immigrants, this would be around 25-50 pence.
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Alexander Valentine
Alexander Valentine

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Location : Lost in Boogie Wonderland

Survival or The Law Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survival or The Law   Survival or The Law EmptyFri Apr 03, 2009 10:06 pm

Profile Skeleton:




Crimes: ((All but the immigrants must have at least 1))

Physical Description: ((No pictures, at least 1 paragraph))

Personality: ((Complete sentences, no lists. At least 3 sentences))

Religion: ((If any, and for the immigrants, unless you've lived in the city awhile, or had a protestant parent, it will almost positively be Catholic.))


Last edited by Alexander Valentine on Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Survival or The Law Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survival or The Law   Survival or The Law EmptySat Apr 04, 2009 5:16 am

This sounds really interesting! Hmm... what is the goal of the characters? Just plain survival? Also, are these runners skills similar to the ones in Mirror's Edge or are they leaning towards a more realistic approach? To be perfectly honest, I prefer for the former, but by no means should you change your idea.
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Alexander Valentine
Alexander Valentine

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Location : Lost in Boogie Wonderland

Survival or The Law Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survival or The Law   Survival or The Law EmptySat Apr 04, 2009 2:59 pm

Mirror's edge doesn't ring a bell, but realistic is the goal.

Well, mainly yes, survival is the goal. I have plans for more things to happen later on, but it'll take a bit to get to that.

Last edited by Alexander Valentine on Sun Apr 05, 2009 2:02 am; edited 1 time in total
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Alexander Valentine
Alexander Valentine

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Location : Lost in Boogie Wonderland

Survival or The Law Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survival or The Law   Survival or The Law EmptySat Apr 04, 2009 3:58 pm

Example/My Profile(s):

Name: Michael Norman McFallow

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Faction: Immigrants

Crimes: Assault, 2 counts. A total of 3 weeks spent locked up.

Physical Description: Michael is a Black Irish. Unlike the sharp features, red hair, and light eyes of the typical Irish, Michael's are softer, and darker. His hair is a dark brown, almost black when wet. Michael's eyes are light brown, like the color of Oak leaves in the winter. His hair is cut, poorly, just above his shoulders. Michael's poor, and in some places ripped, clothing is usually covered in dirt. He quit caring about his appearance quite awhile ago.

Among his more distinct features is a scar running horizontal across his forehead. He obtained it as a child when he was wrestling with one of the neighbors. When he had rolled away to charge back at the kid his head passed right on a rock in the gourd, cutting his forehead almost all the way across. Another such feature is his accent. Early on in his now 3-month stay in Liverpool Michael befriended an American. The man was Irish, like Michael, and now managed a mill in America. During the man's three weeks stay his gave Michael two things. Five pounds to get him along for some time, and he taught Michael to speak like an American. He hasn't used his Irish accent since.

Personality: Michael is typical of the Irish in his hot-headed attitude. He refers to settle disputes with fists rather than with words. This helps with thieves, but not with the upper class, which he has learned to avoid altogether. He doesn't always make the best decisions, but he has gained quite a bit of knowledge about the city since he arrived. He's able to pick a runner out of the crowd, and he knows just about every tavern or rest stop in Liverpool. Michael helps other immigrants when he can, but he doesn't have much to help them with. He tries to chase away the runners, and lead them to more honest establishments, but he can do little else besides that.

Even after being swindled and tricked what seems like hundreds of times, Michael is still generally trusting towards others. Especially immigrants, but being a man of his word himself, he assumes others are much like him. This is partly because of his generally good-faring nature, and partly because he was raised strict Catholic.

Religion: Catholicism

Extra: Michael works odd jobs around town, and usually has a few pence on him, little more than that. The five pounds having long run out.
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Survival or The Law Empty
PostSubject: Re: Survival or The Law   Survival or The Law EmptyFri Apr 10, 2009 5:24 am

Dear forum, I'm active again.

Name: Lucas Ashton Zeoli

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Faction: Gentlemen

Crimes: Jay walking

Physical Description: Luke has a very angular face, not to say that it was oulandishly long or hard looking, just not what one would call a round face. His fair blonde hair falls straight a good inch down his forehead, matching the length in the back as well. His eyes are a remarkably light blue. His teeth are in good condition, quite white for the normal condition of teeth around Liverpool, I only point this out since Lucas is usually always smiling of smirking, showing his teeth. For clothing, Lucas wears a pair of black trousers, a brown coat work over a maroon button up shirt, he usually keeps his coat buttoned nearly to the top. On the top his head he tends to wear a black bowler cap, wrapped around the cap is a piece of red ribbon, and on his feet, a pair of black leather boots.

Personality: Lucas's personality is a very alluring personality. That is to say that those around him tend to like him, and those not around tend to want to be around him. Not to say that he's constantly attracting attention to himself, it's almost as if the feel about him is attractive in of itself, making others want to get to know the German nobleman.

Religion: Catholic

Extra: Lucas deals mainly in smuggling. More specificaly smuggling people. He makes deals with captains who can cross the Pacific to stow immigrants aboard their ships. Of course the immigrant, may have to help him out in a few ways, but the things that some other 'business' gentlemen have noted, these tasks often end up setting up the voyage that the peasant ends up taking. Which then leads then to wonder what Lucas gets out of the deal at all.
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