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 TTRPG rp..

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Sasha Nekosune

Sasha Nekosune

Posts : 17
Join date : 2008-08-31

TTRPG rp.. Empty
PostSubject: TTRPG rp..   TTRPG rp.. EmptySun Mar 22, 2009 1:40 am

This is going to be an rp about some TTRPG players who get sucked into the game they play. its currently in development. there are different races and 2 main sides. the Allegiance of Shalk and the order of Ki'Shak. there are so far humans, Hikatse who are a race of amazon like cats who's main attributes are Strength and willpower, they have large wings, horns, and hooves and are at an average of 6' high. there is also the Komek who are a race of lynx's who are very brutal and aggressive. I need people to help me with development for races and other things like that. also classes if anyone can think of anything like that.
any additional information will be added after this part. also race descriptions will be required and added here as well.

Komeks : a race of lynx shaman. they're basically blood and darkness weavers along with warriors. The Komek create and wear necklaces and the necklaces that they wear are adorned with small parts of their victims, concentrated darkness and concentrated blood beads that can be used for magic. the shadow weavers, as dark magi go, are on the lower half of the totem pole, but they're still strong. their main attribute is the ability to make shadow clones that imitate them in every way and are perfect doubles, but cannot touch others without vanishing, and the ability to teleport instantly at will (about 30 yards max). they can meditate and conjure shadow beads that can be used for powerful projectile and immobilization spells as well as a few summons.

Without beads though they can only teleport (or 'blink') or hurl weak shadow bolts. bloodweavers are a very versatile supporting class like a healer but also a partially offensive spellcaster at the same time. they can normally chant to basically revitalize or mend an ally over time slowly or they can use blood beads made by boiling blood or using fresh shed blood from the battlefield. using this blood they can revitalize allies instantly, mend grave wounds, they've been known to re-animate corpses even as their mindless slaves a few times. they can also bind enemies and many other abilities, even make a shield from blood. among other Komek they are the most respected and watched out for. due to the trial of blood they must take they're very susceptible to physical attacks whereas they have a natural resistance to magics. although the Komek are some of the most ruthless people there are they also have a great respect for those that become their blood brothers (the cutting palms and shaking hands) and for nature.

Hikatse:The Hikatse are usually primitive and barbaric and usually superstitious. they make great tanks and terrible scholars, Sorceress's, magicians, and bards.

Last edited by Kaela on Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 34
Location : Louisiana

TTRPG rp.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: TTRPG rp..   TTRPG rp.. EmptyTue Mar 24, 2009 5:33 am

Whoa, whoa, whoa... I had to space some things out so I could read it if you don't mind, as well as spell checked it.

How is this going to work? Is this story-oriented or are we going to roll dice, check modifiers, initiatives, and so forth?

Also, you mentioned humans right? Are they an open race to play as or are these other races the predominant ones? I mean, I have my sketch of Juk'Tol (Human Spell-caster) and I could use him if this has some interest or at the very least, a decent story-line.
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Sasha Nekosune

Sasha Nekosune

Posts : 17
Join date : 2008-08-31

TTRPG rp.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: TTRPG rp..   TTRPG rp.. EmptyThu Apr 02, 2009 12:49 am

All races are dominate species of the planet and its story based. all races that will be listed here will be playable.
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Sasha Nekosune

Sasha Nekosune

Posts : 17
Join date : 2008-08-31

TTRPG rp.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: TTRPG rp..   TTRPG rp.. EmptyMon Nov 30, 2009 10:22 am

This ttrpg idea will be updated and revised to look better and have a better feel to it. it was mostly rushed at that point but it will be slowly adjusted and revised. and a Character sheet will be provided. As for how its going to be done. id say Story book style. Though if you want we could have dice. it might be wise to have dice for attacks.
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