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 Kingdom Hearts: Era of Peace

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Posts : 50
Join date : 2008-09-26
Age : 30
Location : Where every left shoe is stored

Kingdom Hearts: Era of Peace Empty
PostSubject: Kingdom Hearts: Era of Peace   Kingdom Hearts: Era of Peace EmptySat Dec 13, 2008 10:31 pm

Long ago, before the time of Sora, when heartless and nobodies did not yet exist. The Guild of Chasers were all powerful. So great was their power that their influence reached into all worlds, and they were deemed as heroes. They used weapons called 'Keyblades' which were fashioned from their very essence and forged with the true power of all things, Kingdom Hearts. These were used to unite new worlds by unlocking the doors that separated them, as well as closing dangerous, dark places to the realms of light. With these Keyblades, the Chasers reached a height of power where they were able to "play god" with the worlds. They protected those worlds, and all was good. Most people called that the Era of Peace, trade flourished, crime went to all time lows, and everyone enjoyed the golden millenia.

But nothing can last for eternity, the need for Chasers waned. The all powerful guild of Chasers fell on hard times. Peace was their downfall; the Chasers became lax, and those in training, the apprentices, grew lazy. They wanted power, but failed to earn it. Those ill-trained Chasers who had only a weak grip on the Light, slipped. Turning to the only other great power of the universe, they embraced Darkness, drawing it like a cloak around their hearts, gaining power beyond the followers of Light but losing the right to directly interact with worlds, they became Dark Chasers.

The 4 heads of the guild split; the first quarter walk on the Path of Light, the second and third, on the Path of Darkness. The fourth quarter remained neutral, choosing instead to walk the boarder, the Path of Twilight. Over time Darkness grew in power, drawing members away from the Path of Light and Twilight.

However, when Darkness revealed it's intention to engulf all in existence, the third head of the guild turned away, starting anew to seek the forgiveness of Light and find a way remove the Darkness from his heart. But Darkness clouded the souls of it's followers, when the third head announced his loyalties, only a small portion of the Dark Chasers broke though the mist to see the truth and followed him. They are the ones who walk on the Road to Dawn.

Dawn, Light and Twilight all banded together together to meet the threat of Darkness.
So began the first Keyblade War.

Charater Bios:


Keyblade/ Secondary weapon(s): You're a fully fledged Chaser, of course you have made your own Keyblade, haven't you?
Magic*: Using magic causes fatigue, the more powerful the spell, the more fatigue. Until, of course, the spell causes death.

Weapon History*: This section is compulsory if there is something special about your Keyblade/weapon.

Apprentice Chaser:

Keyblade*/Weapon(s): Apprentices don't always have a keyblade but only idiots walk around without a weapon.
Magic*: Using magic causes fatigue, the more powerful the spell, the more fatigue. Until, of course, the spell causes death.

Weapon History*: This section is compulsory if there is something special about your Keyblade/weapon.

Any weapons that have some sort of legendary power have to be balanced out by something else. (eg. A weapon that increasses the power of magic 4-fold but is useless in close-combat and negates potions within a 3 meter radius.)

Feilds marked with a * are optional.

This is a failed RP, post if you wish.
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