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Roleplayers of FTT

A place for the roleplayers of FTT to be appreciated for their own form of art, as well as have fun. Also, aspiring roleplayers can learn how to do so.
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 RPP- Role Playing Platformer

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RPP- Role Playing Platformer Empty
PostSubject: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptySat Nov 08, 2008 2:16 am

RPP- Role Playing Platformer 6nxu2c
Three friends (yes only three) find themselves in a 2D world, full of platforms floating in the air mysteriously, spikes planted in the ground by no one in particular and for some peculiar reason, diapers. They must work together on their journey through this harsh foreboding land that someone has split into seemingly infinite disconnected areas called levels to search for their way home.

We're basically only going to use MS Paint for illustrating travel across the levels and pretty much whenever the hell you feel like it. To make things quicker and easier we'll be drawing up a few "sprites" in MS Paint beforehand to copy and paste together onto levels. Anyone interested, PM me for details. Oh, and if more than three people wanna do this, someone is more than happy to copy my idea.

I think this is a crazy, reckless idea but I want to throw caution to the wind my friends. I want to completely revolutionize roleplaying, who's with me?! [/cheesy motivation]
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RPP- Role Playing Platformer Empty
PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptySat Nov 08, 2008 8:49 pm

Meh, maybe.
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PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptySat Nov 08, 2008 11:22 pm


Although I'm not amazing at MS paint. Or even good for that matter. I'll try though.
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RPP- Role Playing Platformer Empty
PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyMon Nov 10, 2008 6:30 pm

Here's an example, I'm still debating whether to use color or not, I certainly don't expect to color backgrounds.
RPP- Role Playing Platformer 153vc0g
It's quite important to disconnect the arm, it allows you to do all sorts of fun things, like so.
RPP- Role Playing Platformer Do3pxg
Please note that there will be editing of the characters later as they get powers and items to help them around the landscapes that become inexplicably more difficult to go through.
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PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyTue Nov 11, 2008 12:07 am

I'll join in!
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PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyTue Nov 11, 2008 3:19 am

Step 1: Tell us about your character, no character sheet just give us as much information as you can/want.
Step 2: Open MSPaint, draw character and disconnect their arm, make sure it fits up nice if you paste it back on. (When drawing, try to use my example as a comparison so we don't have crazy height issues.)
Step 3: Sit back with giddy anticipation as you wait for the rp to start.

Lyssa isn't the most interesting girl in the world, but she is kind and happy to help. She's currently a junior in high school and 17 years old, her hobbies include sewing, reading and hanging out with her friends. She does exercise a little to stay in shape, but she's no athlete. She has turquoise or teal hair, depending on how the light shines on it, that is kept back with a hairband near the bottom and she has green eyes. Her clothing varies from day to day, she'll either go extremely casual with a simple t-shirt and pants or extremely over-dressed in a dress she has sewn.
(And I already posted her initial character image. Here it is again. )
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RPP- Role Playing Platformer Empty
PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyTue Nov 11, 2008 11:07 am

Out of curiousity, how do you turn the arm? Like change the angle?
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PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyTue Nov 11, 2008 2:36 pm

I actually had to use photoshop for that, paint only lets you turn stuff at 90 degree angles.
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RPP- Role Playing Platformer Empty
PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyWed Nov 12, 2008 12:42 am

due to lack of ms skillz I'm withdrawing.
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RPP- Role Playing Platformer Empty
PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyWed Nov 12, 2008 1:05 am

Akiva wrote:
due to lack of ms skillz I'm withdrawing.
I've seen your stuff, you don't have a lack of anything. Your plenty qualified to be in this, don't leave.
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PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyWed Nov 12, 2008 5:13 pm

RPP- Role Playing Platformer Tamplate
By the way Shuri, your hair is HUGE! I'll get around to the other stuff later. Lazy crazy.
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PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyWed Nov 12, 2008 5:24 pm

Connor wrote:
By the way Shuri, your hair is HUGE!
I guess it is big, even for my drawing style. I tried to tone down the volume a bit:
RPP- Role Playing Platformer Syxn4g
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PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyWed Nov 12, 2008 6:11 pm

I'm filled with gitty anticipation.
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RPP- Role Playing Platformer Empty
PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyThu Nov 13, 2008 12:28 am

My stuff just turns out ugly...
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PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyThu Nov 13, 2008 1:13 am

Akiva wrote:
My stuff just turns out ugly...
Is it because your doing your fairy? It's tough to draw small things.
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RPP- Role Playing Platformer Empty
PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyThu Nov 13, 2008 1:16 am

Hmm...I didn't think to draw my fairy...that'll probably be easier for me then, thanks!

RPP- Role Playing Platformer Kamrynyi2

Kamryn isn't the most sedate creature there could be, she tends to be spastic and childish, introducing herself with an enthusiastic hug and a verbose saying of her name and a greeting. She's around 12 years old but you'd never guess that by being around her. She like shiny colors, anything huggable, and people that like her. Once somebody says they are her friend she'll constantly feel the need to spend more cuddle time with them. As a fey she's a pretty small creature, most normal sized people not being able to discern finite features of her face and body, she actually does have a bust size. She has red hair, with darker red streaks, that she just lets flow naturally. She wears dresses, mainly because they are easy to make, and she uses every color under the sun except black, because that's only in the places the sun isn't at. Most of the time she can be found with her arms around a friend.

Last edited by Akiva on Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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RPP- Role Playing Platformer Empty
PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyThu Nov 13, 2008 1:35 am

Now that's just tooooooo tiny.
(It does look good though.)
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RPP- Role Playing Platformer Empty
PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyThu Nov 13, 2008 1:43 am

I'm better with tiny stuff, big stuff is just hard...
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RPP- Role Playing Platformer Empty
PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyThu Nov 13, 2008 1:57 am

Sorry, it's too small to use. =\ (You do have a future in graphics with indie games though.)
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RPP- Role Playing Platformer Empty
PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyFri Nov 14, 2008 2:30 am

(I'm afraid I don't, Everything I make just looks too...not right.)

RPP- Role Playing Platformer Kamrynxa6

Four times bigger. Any better?
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PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyFri Nov 14, 2008 2:34 am

Not really. I'd be much happier if you could draw a human or something that maybe turns into a fairy later.
RPP- Role Playing Platformer Sillysraycw9
Do you see this? Right here? This is what makes me know that your able to do it.
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RPP- Role Playing Platformer Empty
PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyFri Nov 14, 2008 2:52 am

For serious, all I did to get the sizes about right, copy Shuri's image, paste into paint, make changes, go.
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PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyFri Nov 14, 2008 2:54 am

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PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptyFri Nov 14, 2008 7:53 pm

Suspicions correct, but it's a good way of keeping things looking relatively nice and neat.
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RPP- Role Playing Platformer Empty
PostSubject: Re: RPP- Role Playing Platformer   RPP- Role Playing Platformer EmptySun Nov 16, 2008 4:48 pm

Sure why not. I'm game. :3

RPP- Role Playing Platformer Spriteme
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