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 Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around)

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Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) Empty
PostSubject: Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around)   Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) EmptyThu Oct 02, 2008 12:22 pm

Hey all, so I have been doing an RP like this with a colleague of mine ove AIM for about a month now and thought it woud be an interesting setting for a forum based game.

Basically, it's a second chance program for teens who have ended up on the wrong side of the law. Since FTT is in actuality a fetish forum (and this is an offshoot of that site) the treatment at the center would focus mainly around "Regressive Therapy" in order to correct behavioral problems among the tenants. I do not know how each of you feel on the role of age-play and, therefore, am setting this up for discussion primariy to get a feel for how interested you might be.

The home is run by Dr. Gravius, a clinical child Psychiatrist, and was set up as a program to help teenagers come to grips with their issues in an environment alternative to jail. Characters can be will be any age between 14 and 18. Older tenants, unless new to the program, can take part in caring for the younger/newer attendees. However, main control of the institute is of course in the hands of Dr. Gravius and his staff. I'd appreciate any feedback you might have for this. If I get enough positive response I will draw up Character Structure information and begin the game.
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Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around)   Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) EmptyThu Oct 02, 2008 1:46 pm

Ehhh I prefer to play mature characters that get diapered and babied. Mental regression doesn't really appeal to me.
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Join date : 2008-10-02

Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around)   Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) EmptyThu Oct 02, 2008 4:14 pm

Sorry, perhaps I phrased my above statement incorrectly. When I say "Regression Therapy", I am not talking about mental regression to the point of infantile intelligence. I am talking of forcing one to relive their childhood in a more physical/dependant view. Characters would stay as intelligent as their players wished for them to be. The institute strives to correct behavoir based on a sense of community as willingness to accept care from others. Just because one is treated as a child, does not mean one has to act like it. No its about recognizing the juvenile behavoir that landed them their in the first place and learning to "out grow" such traits. Nothing would be learned if tenants were regressed to the point that they lost comprehension of what was going on and why.
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Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around)   Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) EmptyThu Oct 02, 2008 4:30 pm

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. Unfortunately I don't really like to play troublemakers, except when their too dangerous to handle. Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) Dittodevil
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Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around)   Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) EmptyWed Nov 12, 2008 12:22 am

I like the sound of this.
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Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around)   Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) EmptyWed Nov 12, 2008 12:26 am

He hasn't been around in awhile... so this thread is done, unless you resurrect it for your own personal idea.
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Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around)   Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) EmptyWed Nov 12, 2008 12:32 am

Oh, man. This was totally posted over a month ago. I didn't even notice.

I still stand by what I said, though; I've always thought boarding schools, prisons, hospitals, psychiatric wards and things such as this are all ideal spots for RP threads. Prisons especially, man.
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Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around)   Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) EmptyThu Nov 13, 2008 3:44 am

Especially when someone drops the soap.
...Because then you can laugh at them for having slippery hands.
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Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around)   Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) EmptyThu Nov 13, 2008 5:00 pm

Yar, har, har -- you laugh! I think that if nothing else starts to spring up I'm going to start planning a mental facility roleplay, though; I really think tiny tightly defined roleplay scenarios work really well because you can go into a lot of detail over a small area, as opposed to being vaguely descriptive over a huge area.
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Join date : 2008-08-25

Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around)   Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) EmptyThu Nov 13, 2008 5:19 pm

Do it even if nothing does spring up, there are only two running rps and I started them both.
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Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around)   Gravius Home for Wayward Teens (OP Isn't Around) Empty

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